a) Sunday 2 February presentation of Jesus in the temple (Candlemas) Sante Messe 8:30 (church) - 10:30 (tendostruttura)- 11.30 (church) - 12:30 (church) - 18.00 (church).
After the Holy Mass of the hours 10:30 in parish oratory tendostructure and training meeting for parents by the Family team.
Saturday and Sunday after the holy messes off the church you will find the volunteers with the candle and the illustration of the meaning of the Feast of the Candelora
Hours 18:30 catechesis Ten Commandments
b) Sante Messe feriali ore 9:00 and hours 18:00
c) Monday 3 febbraio Continuano i GRANDI LUNEDI DELLA MADONNA DELL’ARCO. Hours 8:30 S. Rosary, hours 9:00 S. Mass. Hours 18:30 dalle suore – Laboratorio sartoriale con i nostri ragazzi speciali: “Sai cucire? Vieni e dai una mano!” C’è posto per tutti. Ti aspettiamo. Per info rivolgersi a Monica Cozzolino e Giovanna Panico.
Hours 18:45 Heart to heart prayer from the nuns
Monday For service to the poor we make these proposals: - Prepare for those who can, 5/10 chicken sandwiches for our brothers who live on the street, to be delivered, Please, in the Church at 3:00 pm 17.00 precise. You also need a hand for distribution. Contact p.Enzo
d) Tuesday 4 February hours 20:45 corso di formazione online per tutti gli operatori pastorali con il professor Langella
e) Wednesday 5 February hours 18:00 S. Messa per i Figli in Cielo
f) Friday 7 febbraio Primo venerdì del mese S. Messa ore 9:00, to follow Eucharistic Adoration.
Hours 16:30 recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adorazione Eucaristica, S. Rosario e S. Mass at 18:00.
g) Saturday 8 February- Chapel of S.Vito hours 16.30 Holy Rosary to follow the liturgy of the Word. Incontro formativo dei ministranti dalle ore 16.30 all 17.15 at nuns. Sabato Incontro coro bambini dalle ore 16.00 all 17.00 at nuns. Sabato Incontro Oratorio – dopo Comunione dalle 17.15 all 18.15 at nuns (età dai 9 years onwards). Sabato Incontro Oratorio ragazzi – età 11 a 13 anni – dalle 17.30 all 18.30 at nuns. Sabato Incontro Oratorio ragazzi – età 14 a 18 anni – dalle 18.15 at nuns.
from 15 January the family consultancy is open in via Margherita 58/60. Consultancy timetables: Wednesday from 9:00 all 12:00 e dalle 16:00 all 20:00 Friday from 9:00 all 12:00 ... See moreSee less
a) Sunday 26 January Holy Masses 8:30 - 10:30 – 11:30 Mass presided by His Mons. Francesco Blessed Auxiliary Bishop of Naples- 12:30 – 17:00 - 18:00 – 19:00 all in the Church.
Hours 14:30 Starting the procession of the simulacrum of the saint martyr Sebastiano and blessing of his etc. Mons. Michele Author, Auxiliary bishop of Naples
Hours 20:30 circa rientro processione e benedizione.
b) Da lunedì 27 Gennaio nei giorni feriali, dal lunedì al sabato, la S. Messa del mattino è alle 9:00
Lunedì continuano i GRANDI LUNEDI’ DELLA MADONNA DELL’ARCO. Hours 8:30 Santo Rosario Ore 9:00 Mass
c)Monday For service to the poor we make these proposals: Prepare for those who can, 5/10 chicken sandwiches for our brothers who live on the street, to be delivered, Please, in the Church at 3:00 pm 17.00 precise. You also need a hand for distribution. Contact p.Enzo.
d) Tuesday 28 Gennaio Ore 19:30 Adult Confirmation Course
e) Wednesday 29 Gennaio ore 18.30 Cresima adolescent course
f) Saturday 1 Febbraio Cappellina di San Vito ore 16.30 Santo Rosario segue Liturgia della Parola
Dopo la S.Messa delle ore 10:30 ORATORIO PARROCCHIALE E INCONTRO FORMATIVO GENITORI a cura dell’equipe famiglie NON MANCATE!!!!!!!
h) from 15 Gennaio è aperto il consultorio familiare in via Margherita 4/6 Orari: Wednesday from 9:00 all 12:00 e dalle 16:00 all 20:00 Friday from 9:00 all 12:00 ... See moreSee less
“« In faith they all died, without having obtained the promised goods, but they saw them and greeted them only from afar, declaring that he is foreigners and pilgrims on earth " (Eb 11,3). “Coming in the evening, Jesus said to his disciples: "Let's move on to the other shore". And, Depressed the crowd, they took it with them, as it was, in the boat " (Mc 4,35-36). […]
The XXXIIII World Day of the patient (GMM) 2025 in our Archdiocese: An itinerary scheduled by the diocesan office for the pastoral care of health to live "the meeting, the gift and sharing ”according to Pope Francis' message for Gmm 2025: "" Hope does not disappoint " (Rm 5,5) And it makes us strong in the tribulation ". […]
Saturday 1 February at 10 for Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop Mons. Francesco Beneduce, at the Basilica of Santa Maria del Carmine Maggiore
The appointment is for Sunday 2 February at 11,30 for the Eucharistic celebration chaired by the Auxiliary Bishop Mons. Gaetano Castello, at the Tempio Regina dei Gigli (v. The queen of the lilies 1, San Giorgio a Cremano) together with the community and associations and movements engaged for life. Together with the rector of the Temple Don […]