Volontariato presso “La Tenda”
“La Chiesa è di TUTTI specialmente dei Poveri!” diceva Papa Giovanni XXIII, that's why the association Volunteering "The Tent" built by Father Antonio Vitiello, in the last year, He offered to homeless people, Italian and foreign, more than 40,000 overnight stays, with canteen service, hygiene and personal care, care and health talks 365 days a year.
The community and the youth group of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio (NA) from its contribution by organizing groups of five volunteers to four times a week: il Monday, Wednesday, Saturday e Sunday, all year long. The appointment is before the Sanctuary of "San Sebastian Martyr" hours 18:30 to help cook and distribute meals to the "tent" located in Health (NA). The cafeteria closes at 22:00 and after a short cleaned he returns home for hours 23.
We are a big family, which it is why we want to help our brothers in need.