Catechesis for the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Catechesis that is the teaching of the Christian religion to the sacrament of Christian initiation, which the Eucharist, in our community is conducted in 2 year old. The first year participating children who have reached 8 years or attending third grade to ensure that they are already familiar with reading. In fact, in this first year, the catechist in addition to teaching the main prayers, with the help of the text, "I am with you", speak to the children of Jesus, in order to urge him to fall in love, "Living bread that comes down from heaven".
Meet the children once a week on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesday divided into groups of 18-22 children about. The children and their parents are invited to attend the S. Mass 10.30 during which animators and singers with the aid of P. Enzo mean that the child can easily understand who is this Jesus of whom the catechist speaks.
This is felt even more by the children attending the second year of catechism. These meet, always divided into groups, the first three days of the week, not only with the thought of the word but, paying attention to the Ten Commandments and the seven sacraments. They too follow the text "Come with Me" and also being presented with the Bible and especially the Gospel, to educate them to the reading of sacred texts from childhood. Every year, with the children and the parents of the second year you will live a retreat, where children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the feast of forgiveness. For parents will also be a time of reflection on what they and their children have lived until now and are going to live in the target dates for the Communion to be held in May. It is these children who in September with a retreat inviting them to the continuation of a journey of faith after attending the communion, well already active in our community.
We entrust to Mary, Eucharistic woman, children, their parents (first catechists), we , Priests, to experience the beauty , the richness and depth of Jesus in the Eucharist, our strength and our joy!
Greetings to you all holiness.