Alerts week,it 27 November al 4 December.
1) I Domenica di Avvento: Dar da Mangiare agli affamati. Raccogliamo per tutta la settimana pasta, olio, caffè, canned goods for needy families in our community. Outside the Church found the Advent light that you can turn on the evening when you come together in the family to pray and meditate on’ waiting.
Hours 19:30 path of the Ten Words.
2) Monday hours 19:00 Prayer from the Heart to Heart Sisters and
hours 19:45 distribuzione panini e bevande ai nostri fratelli senza dimora.
3) Martedì ore 19:30 encounter God's Word for all adults. Non mancare.
4) Wednesday novena beginning of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate:
Hours 17:30 S. Rosary; hours 18:00 S. Mass with singing of the Tota Pulchra.
5) First Friday of the month hours 8:30 S. Messa a seguire Adorazione Eucaristica fino alle 12:00; Hours 15:00 Coroncina Divina Misericordia a seguire Adorazione Eucaristica, Hours 17:30 S. Rosario a seguire S. Mass, Hours 20:30 path of the Beatitudes and Eucharistic Adoration.
6) For those wishing to lend a hand for voluntary activities can give his support directly to Father Enzo. Thanks for your time.
7) Outside the Church found Dominic with his newspaper " Scarp de Tennis".